Here you are, looking at the guide for using the ASE plugin. First, we need to define the tools: Armor Stand and Stick.
Holding the Stick in your hand, right-click (RMB) or left-click (LMB) outside the armor stand's hitbox. You probably noticed how the main menu opened, containing all the functions you can fully work with. To perform any action on the stand, hold the Stick in your hand and right-click (RMB) or left-click (LMB) on the stand.
Sensitivity adjustment is a very useful feature: choosing coarse sensitivity allows you to work quickly but not precisely, while choosing delicate sensitivity slows down the work but increases precision.
To move the entire stand, hold the Stick in your hand and right-click (RMB) or left-click (LMB) on the stand (one direction and the opposite, respectively).
These functions do not depend on the button choice (RMB or LMB).
Not many people check this section of the menu, which is why few know about the useful functions of this plugin, such as:
Target Capture. A very useful function that allows you to capture one stand, and when interacting with others, only the captured stand will change. To do this, hold the Stick in your hand, aim at the stand, and press the F key. To remove the target capture from the stand, simply capture another stand or perform the same action outside the stand's hitbox.
As you noticed, there is no renaming function in the menu. However, you can rename the stand using a regular tag, renaming it on an anvil. You can also use the & symbol to create colored names.
Another useful function is quick axis switching. Hold the Stick in your hand, press and hold the LeftShift key, and scroll the mouse wheel.
You can copy stands to clipboard slots and create copies using a very simple algorithm:
1) Select a slot
2) Select the Copy function
3) Right-click (RMB) or left-click (LMB) on the desired stand
4) Select the Paste function
5) Place the second stand
6) Right-click (RMB) or left-click (LMB) on the second stand
Clipboard action process
With these buttons, you can adjust the position of the head, body, right and left arms, and right and left legs using the axes (X, Y, Z). You can also set the default pose and change the stand's equipment.
In conclusion, I would like to give some tips for your structures and show examples of works that can be done using this plugin:
Work examples:
That's all, I hope this was informative. Good luck working with this plugin, and don't be afraid to experiment.
Text author - ArtLitva Editor - Xplore